RedEX (2020)
It's the Net!
RedEx It was a project supported by the PAC (Patronato de Arte Contemporáneo) focused on the creation of alternative channels for editorial and visual content. Taking as the main reference the strategies used by Mail Art and Fluxus, and confronting them with our present, full of practices from companies like Amazon and FedEx.
RedEx promotes person-to-person relationship by sending a package box containing a miniature RRD kiosk, expanding the limitations of digital social media. The piece reaches the artist so that he can intervene as he pleases, without any aesthetic or thematic restrictions, and then it is sent back to RRD. back to RRD.
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RedEX Express (2023)
Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines, Brooklyn Museum
RedEx Express, first shown at Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines, at Brooklyn Museum, the first exhibition dedicated to the rich history of five decades of artists’ zines produced in North America. Since the 1970s, zines—short for “fanzines,” magazines, or self-published booklets of texts and images, usually made with a copy machine—have given a voice and visibility to many operating outside of mainstream culture. Artists have harnessed the medium’s essential role in communication and community building and used it to transform material and conceptual approaches to art making across all media. This canon-expanding exhibition documents zines’ relationship to various subcultures and avant-garde practices, from punk and street culture to conceptual, queer, and feminist art. It also examines zines’ intersections with other mediums, including collage, craft, film, drawing, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, and video. Featuring over one thousand zines and artworks by over one hundred artists, Copy Machine Manifestos demonstrates the importance of zines to artistic production and its reception across North America.
More inforrmation.