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  • @erreerrede

Cartas a un joven diseñador (2020)

Jorge Cano Febles y Anuar Portugal

"Letters to a Young Designer", by Anuar Portugal & Jorge Cano Febles.

At some given moment, along with the need to express, undoubtedly arise questions, concerns, and, above all, confusion. Where to start? How to translate this that overwhelms me? From where to place myself strategically to say something, to contribute to the conversation? Appealing to the genre of manuals and guides, and in perpetual and free transit between political pamphlet and self-help books, in Letters to a young designer the authors propose a sum of brief advice for young creatives on this ruinous but fun and necessary path of the production of the world.

Cover available in 5 different colors (cardboard, yellow, blue, purple and pink).

See more of "Letters to a Young Designer" (Collaboration)

Edition of 300

Half card


76 pages / B&W

December 2020


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