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Time shared (2021)

Residency at Carrillo Gil Art Museum

Residency at Carrillo Gil Art Museum.

Almost eight billion human beings inhabit this instant. In a very short period of time we have managed to establish the footprint of our collective presence in the terrestrial ecosystems. In spite of all the regrets, this planet is heating up, the Amazon is on fire and the poles are melting. To think of ourselves on the brink of extinction is neither an exaggeration nor a pessimistic metaphor but a well-founded prognosis. They have calculated that the 4, 5 or 6 degrees that the temperature would rise by 2050 would mean the extinction of 94 percent of humanity. With such a collapse in front of us, it is also natural that there is denial in this regard or an excessive fantasy of thinking that technology will save everything.

Modernity is now in ruins and civilization is at a turning point that heralds a new era. Along with many of us, countless species will disappear.

What reality and reflection can a museum in this context encourage and incite?

Our partial answer is Shared Time, a biologically inspired experiment that proposes a symbiotic process: cooperation between members or parts to think and act together, without guests or parasites, in a trial of mutualism.

For ten months the space will be inhabited by heterogeneous artists and collectives that will make the museum a place of creation in the broadest sense: energy mutating into form. It goes without saying that we will not limit ourselves to exhibiting finished, auratic works or objects, but rather the creative processes in their splendorous imperfection, which sometimes, and only sometimes, become matter. Under these premises, the notion of the visitor as a spectator is useless and his active involvement is urgent: these processes are only possible by conspiring collectively.

Mauricio Marcin Alvarez

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